
Co-Production of Housing at Scale

Spring 2012. Teaching UCL The Bartlett


Co-Production of Housing at Scale, Cases from Bangkok

University College London, The Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU)

* 3 Weeks of fieldwork in Bangkok

* 50 grad students in design and development planning

* Co-taught with Camillo Boano, William Hunter, Ruth McLeod, Cassidy Johnson, and Barbara Lipietz

Class Blog here

Students final report here

Course Description

The aim of the Field Trip Project is to explore collaborative people-centred partnerships for slum upgrading in Bangkok, Thailand, in the context of the spatial transformations related to design and policy/planning. The fieldwork focuses on the abstract and concrete materiality of the designated sites, housing, livelihoods, and public realm, combined with spatial integration in a wider context, giving voice to a critical reflection on the role of design, urban interventions and spatial agencies.